Karin Krause
Karin Krause
Assistant Professor of Byzantine Theology and Visual Culture
The University of Chicago Divinity School, Affiliate Faculty in the Department of Art History
Karin Krause is Assistant Professor of Byzantine Theology and Visual Culture at the University of Chicago. She is currently completing a book manuscript tentatively titled Images of Inspiration: Art, Authenticity, and the Sacred in Byzantium. In this study, she examines how concepts of the divine origin of texts and material artifacts were employed in Byzantium to promulgate claims of holiness, truth, and authority. She is an affiliate scholar of the Wittgenstein Award Project.
W: https://divinity.uchicago.edu/karin-krause
W: https://chicago.academia.edu/KarinKrause
E: krause(at)uchicago.edu
A: Karin Krause
Assistant Professor of Byzantine Theology and Visual Culture
The University of Chicago Divinity School
Swift Hall 234
1025 East 58th Street
Chicago, IL 60637