Prof. Dr., Dr. habil. Rustam Shukurov

Division for Byzantine Research/Institute for Medieval Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences


Born 1961, Dushanbe (Tajikistan/USSR), Dr. hist. (Byzantine Studies), Moscow State University 1990, Dr. habil. hist. (Byzantine Studies) 2012. In the Moving Byzantium project (1 Jan. 2020 - 30 Nov. 2020), Prof. Rustam Shukurov focuses on the mobility and intellectual and cultural interchange between the Byzantine and Neo-Persian worlds, as well as on microstructures and transcultural phenomena in the Empire of Nicaea (1204–1261).


Research interests:

  • Byzantium and the Near and Middle East
  • Muslim Anatolia and Byzantium
  • Central Asia in the 19th century
  • Demography
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Transcultural Studies



Publications (selection):

Shukurov, R., “The Empire of Trebizond and the Golden Horde”, in: Kenan Inan (ed.), I. Uluslararası Karadeniz Tarihi Sempozyumu. Bildiriler Kitabı, Trabzon: T.C. Avrasya Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü, 2020, pp. 89–95.

Shukurov, R., The Byzantine Turks, 1204–1461, Leiden: Brill, 2016.

Shukurov, R., Türk Bizans İlişkileri ve Anadolu'nun Türkleşme Süreci [Turkish-Byzantine Relations and Anatolia's Turkification Process] / Yay. Haz. İvan Pavli ve Badegül Can Emir, İstanbul: Kültür Bilimleri Akademisi, 2016.

Shukurov, R., Великие Комнины и Восток (1204-1461) [The Grand Komnenos and the East (1204-1461)], St. Petersburg: Aletheia, 2001.

Shukurov, R., M. Shakuri, and E. A. Allworth (eds.), The Personal History of a Bukharan Intellectual: The Diary of Muammad Sharīf-i adr-i Ziya / transl. from the original manuscript by Rustam Shukurov. With an introd. study and comm. by Muhammadjon Shakuri, Leiden: Brill, 2004.

Shukurov, Sh. and Shukurov R., Peuples d'Asie Centrale, Paris: Syros, 1994.






A: Prof. Dr., Dr. habil. Rustam Shukurov

Abteilung Byzanzforschung/Institut für Mittelalterforschung

Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Hollandstraße 11-13/4

A-1020 Vienna, Austria